
Shipping and Return

Due to COVID-19 Coronavirus concerns, we are unable to take back return items. Please order carefully. I you find a problem with your product, please email the clinic at with the date of purchase, product information and your concerns. We will do our best to assist you on a case by case basis. Please note that this return policy is subject to change as COVID-19 Restrictions change.

When you select to SHIP your purchase to the the CLINIC, Delisle Veterinary Service at #300 2nd  Street East Delisle SK S0L0P0, this means that you agree to pick up your product at your time and expense and in a timely fasion from the Delisle Veterinary Service Premises. Your shipping costs should show as zero charge for this option.

When you select to SHIP to your RESIDENCE, your shipping costs will be included in your order and you are responsible to assure that your correct address is entered and that your purchase can be delivered to a safe and secure location and be received personally. We will not be held responsible for purcahses that are lost or stolen from an unattended delivery.